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Past Travel Survey Projects

The American Travel Survey is the household travel survey division of ETC Institute.


When you participate in the American Travel Survey, you become a difference-maker for your community. The household, personal, vehicle and travel diary information you provide will directly effect your community. The projects listed below have impacted billions of dollars worth of transportation decisions.



San Antonio Area

The San Antonio Area household travel survey was completed on behalf of TxDOT in May of 2022. Over 3,000 household travel surveys were completed in the area.



Waco Area

The Waco Area household travel survey was completed on behalf of TxDOT in May of 2022. Over 1,500 household travel surveys were completed in the area.

By Billy Hathorn - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https___commons.wikimedia.org_w_index.php_curid


Killeen-Temple Area

The Killeen-Temple household travel survey was completed on behalf of TxDOT in May of 2022. Over 1,500 household travel surveys were completed in the area.

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